These are the tabs for the characteristic guitar melody from the Animals’ cover of House of the Rising Sun. Pretty hard to play but sounds very nice if you can put some speed into it. This melody is repeated throughout the entire song.

You’re going to be mimicing the lead guitar player. Enjoy!

-3” 5 -6 8 7 -6

4 5 -6 8 7 -6

-4 -6 -8 -9 -8 -6

-5 -6 7 -9 7 -6

-3” 5 -6 8 7 -6

2 5 6 8 -7 6

-3” 5 -6 8 7 -6

2 5 6 8 -8 6

You can find more Tabs at: Harmonica Tabs


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