SONG FACTS: Harmonica can be used with many music genres, and this pop song is an example. “Thinking Out Loud” has some nice melodies that can be greatly reproduced on our little instrument. To make it easier, I modified the first licks to avoid playing the hole 3 draw bend like in the original version. Try it!

Song key: C Major

Harmonica key: C

Position: 1st


5+ 6+ 6 6+5+ 4 4+ 4 5

5+ 6+ 6 6+ 5+ 4 4+ 4+

5+ 6+ 6 6+5+ 4 4+ 4 5

5+ 6+ 6 6+ 5+ 4 4+ 4+


6+ 7+ 8 8+, 6+

6+ 7+ 8 8+ 8+ 8 8 9+ 8+ 7+

6+ 7+ 8 8+, 6+

6+ 7+ 8 8+ 8+ 8 8 9 8+ 7+ 8 8+

8+ 8 7+ 8 6


8+ 9 8+ 9 8+ 8 7+ 8, 7+ 8+

8+ 9 8+ 9 8+ 8 7+ 8

6+ r8+ 9 8+ 9 8+ 8 7+ 8, 8 7+ 8+

8+ 9 8+ 9 8+ 8 7+ 8


6+ 7+ 8 8+ 8 7+ 8 8+

9+ 9+ 9+ 9 9 9 8+ 8+ 8+

9+ 9+ 9+ 9 9 9 8+ 8+ 9+ 8+ 8 7+

9+ 9+ 9+ 9 9 9 8+ 8+

6+ 7+ 8 8+ 8 7+ 8

8+ 8 7+ 6+ 7+ 7 7+

You can find more Tabs at: Harmonica Tabs


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